An Inside Look at Daikin’s ATMOSPHERA Heat Pump Installation

Do you want to cut your energy consumption and save money on your heating and cooling bills? Equip your Pittsburgh, PA, home with Daikin’s ATMOSPHERA heat pump installation. Read on to learn more about this system and its benefits.

Eco-Friendly R-32 Refrigerant

The Daikin ATMOSPHERA heat pump installation is Daikin’s first system to use R-32 refrigerant. It’s the most balanced refrigerant for energy efficiency, environmental impact, cost-effectiveness and safety. Since R-32 efficiently conveys heat, it can reduce electricity consumption by up to about 10% compared to air conditioners using R-22 refrigerant. What’s more, R-32 has a global warming potential (GWP) that’s one-third lower than other refrigerants widely used in today’s HVAC systems, such as R-22 and R-410A. Here are the environmental impacts of various refrigerants:

  • R12 (CFC): 1.0 ozone depletion potential and 10,900 100-year global warming potential.
  • R22 (HCFC): 0.055 ozone depletion potential and 1,810 100-year global warming potential.
  • R410A (HFC): 0 ozone depletion potential and 2,090 100-year global warming potential.
  • R32 (HFC): 0 ozone depletion potential and 675 100-year global warming potential.

Controlled by the Daikin One+ Smart Thermostat

Controlling your ATMOSPHERA heat pump installation with a Daikin One+ Smart Thermostat offers you customized indoor climate control abilities to maximize home comfort and energy efficiency even more. Features include:

  • Geo-fencing and away settings.
  • Configuring heating and cooling schedules.
  • Remote connectivity via Wi-Fi.
  • Air quality monitoring and adjusting.

Daikin Inverter Technology

Single- and two-stage HVAC systems without inverter technology function like cars in city traffic: they start, stop, start, stop. HVAC systems with inverter technology function like cars on the highway: they use cruise control and operate continuously. Daikin’s ATMOSPHERA heat pump installation has a variable-speed compressor that adjusts motor speeds according to your indoor climate control needs. It maintains comfort while conserving as much energy as possible.

Are you intrigued by the features and benefits of Daikin’s ATMOSPHERA heat pump installation? Contact Greyfox Heating & Cooling to learn more about these state-of-the-art HVAC systems or to schedule a consultation.

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